version 2 of CPS and version 2.5 of MPS
free update for MCPS user
CPS2 : 32 step chord sequencer
MPS2.5 SEQ : 32 step step sequencer
MPS2.5 ARP : 32 step Arpegiator
You can make 8 chord settings and trigger them by step seq track 1.
Chord Editor
Turning on “Chord Edit” switch, this window will appear.
There are 8 chord slots.
Chord Edit
Form = chord form menu
Inversion = chord inversion menu(root, 1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Shift Position = shifting chord position
Preview = clicking this button, a chord of that slot will be triggered
Record = turning on this button, you can record chord notes from your midi keyboard
Clear = clear chord settings
There is a Root menu in global setting section,
root setting of this menu becomes root note of chord setting.
You can import/export your chord set.
Sequencer Part
There are 6 seq tracks(chord, oct, velo, gate, param1/2).
Each track can be set independently.
Chord Track
In this track, you can make chord triggering pattern.
0 = mute
1 to 8 = chord slot number
Power Switch = sequencer on/off
arrow buttons = shifting all step sliders
“> < >< R” = running directions
MenuBox = running speed
Start = start point
Size = step size(max 32)
“Set All Sliders” = set all sliders value
“Range” = randomize rang(0 to 100%)
“R C” = randomize/clear all step sliders
Oct Track
This track controls octave of each step.(-2 to +2)
Velocity/Gate Track
Seq tracks for velocity and gate.
Actual gate time = gate value from seq track(0 to 100%) * base gate time
Param 1/2 Track
These 2 seq track contrls assigned parameter.
Parameter Assign
Target Params = SEQ(prob, shift), midi(MW, PB, AT), CC, Map
Prob = probability of chord triggering
Shift = timing shift
MW = modwheel
PB = pitch bend
AT = after touch
CC = midi cc
Map = mapping aux parameter
Global Setting
Octave = global octave
Root = root note
Scale = scale filter for midi note output
Base Gate Time
Swing = swing amount
You can save/load sequence patterns.
MPS2 has 2 mode(seq , arp).
I divided MPS2 into “MPS2.5 SEQ” and “MPS2.5 ARP”.
32 step sequencer with midi harmonizer
Basic operations of this sequencer are same as CPS2.
Note Track
You can make midi note sequence in this track.
Oct, Velo, Gate, Param1/2 tracks are same as CPS2.
Midi Harmonizer
You can add extra midi note to midi notes from note track.
midi note from note track = C
pitch of harmonizer = G
output midi notes = C and G
Harmonizer Setting
On/Off = harmonizer on/off
Pitch = pitch of harmonize midi note
Velo = velocity of harmonize midi note (0 to 100%)
Gate = gate time of harmonize midi note (0 to 100%)
Shift = timing shift(0 to 100%)
This one works like an arpeggiator.
You need to input midi notes.
Pitch Track
You can make arp pattern here.
This one can handle 8 midi notes at once.