multi effect controlled by probability
There are 2 version of Prob FX (Normal, Env).
And there are 2 dices inside of the patch.
Normal version = dices will be cast by clock generator
Env version = dices will be cast by envelope follower
Output path of incoming signal will be affected by results of 2 dices.
And results of 2 dices affected by probability tables
Demo Tracks
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ed7da2&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
Control Section of Normal Version
Interval = interval of the trigger signal for rolling dices
“Rnd Rst” = randomize/reset probability table for effect router
“Open” = clicking this, effect window will show up
Prob Table1
You can make prob table for controlling “Dry Wet Mute” here.
These values affects dice1 result for router1.
In this case, wet has highest value.
So input signal most likely goes through wet path.
And sometimes will go through dry path.
And occasionally will go through mute path.
Prob Table2
Values of this table affects dice2 result.
Control Section of Env Version
Envelope follower generates trigger signal,
and this is the only difference between normal and env version
trigger signal will be generated once envelope value goes over threshold
Time = interval of calculation
HP = high pass filter
Thresh = threshold
Example of Signal Path
If result of first dice is “mute”, signal path will be like this
If result of first dice is “dry”, signal path will be like this
If result of first dice is “Wet” and second dice is “Filter”, signal path will be like this.
Effect Window
You can edit effect params here.
“LP HP” = filter type
Bit = bit depth(1 -24)
Lofi = make sound dirty
CF = cutoff freq
Vol = volume
12Bit = 12bit mode on/off
Size = Room Size
Damp = hi damp
Mix = dry/wet mix
“LP BP HP” = filter type
CF = cutoff freq
Menu Box = repeat interval
L/R =
Sync = sync switch for modulator speed
Pitch = pitch shift(-24 – 24)
M-Rate = modulation speed
M-Dep = modulation depth
Smth = smoothness of modulation
Switch = modulation waveform
M-Rate = modulation speed
‘S’ = sync swicth for modulation speed
M-Dep = modulation depth
Smth = smoothness of modulation
“Lo Hi” = change freq range of modulator
Freq = modulator freq
LFO.R = lfo rate
LFO.D = lfo depth, lfo controls modulator freq
Mix = dry/wet mix
Sync = sync switch for delay time
FB = feedback level
Mix = dry/wet mix
Wid = stereo width
Vol = output volume
Randomize/Clear FX Parameters
R = randomize parameter values
C = clear parameter values
Save/Load FX setting
You can store FX setting here.
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