There are 4 filter modes(SVF, Formant, Telephone, Comb) available.
common usage
by double clicking each knob, you can initialize its value.
Demo Track
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]
SVF(state variable filter)
“LP, BP, HP” = controlling mixing ratio of lp, bp hp
Cutoff = cutoff frequency
Env = amount of envelope follower to cutoff(-100% to 100%)
LFO = amount of lfo to cutoff(-100 to 100%)
Reso = resonance
Formant Filter
Vowel = a, ae, E, i, I, u, U, o
Env = amount of envelope follower to vowel(-100% to 100%)
LFO = amount of lfo to vowel(-100 to 100%)
Smth= smoothness of vowel frequency changing
Q = you can emphasis vowel’s character
Telephone Line Filter
telephone line sound simulator
Char= sound character, clockwise sound becomes dirt
Noise = noise amount
Mono = turning on this, output becomes mono
Byp = effect bypass switch
Comb Filter
good for processing drum sound
Delay= delay time
Env = amount of envelope follower to delay time(-100% to 100%)
LFO = amount of LFO to delay time(-100% to 100%)
FB = feedback
Tone = sound tone
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