• fixed value popup display issue
• added in/out params lock button(full version)
• added right-click menu(copy/paste, initialize)
• added reverse delay effect
• improved GUI stuff
Turning on lock button, Input, Pan, Output knobs are locked.
If these knobs are locked, not affected by preset changes.
When right-click(Mac:: ctrl + click) the blank space of FX slot panel,
right-click menu will be show up like picture above.
Right-Click Menu
Copy = copying all parameter states of that fx slot
Paste = pasting copied parameter states
Initialize = initializing fx parameter states
Delayed signal will be reversed.
Time = delay time
Sync = delay time bpm synced switch
FB = feedback level
HiCut = hicut filter amount
Offset = delay time offset between left and right
Lev = mix level of wet signal
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