additional patch for SEQ16 user
model of this sequencer is KORG SQ-1
There are 7 running modes.
If you choose mode 1 or 2, sequencer becomes 16 step.
If you choose mode 3 to 7, sequencer becomes 8 x 2.
Step Setting
Knob = midi note
Skip = turning on this switch, that step will be skipped
Slide = actually this tie
On/Off = if this switch is “off”, that step becomes “mute”.
“R” = clicking this button, sequencer restart from that step.
Randomize/Clear Step Setting
“R” = randomize
“C” = clear
Other Setting
Knob Range = you can determine octave range of midi note knob
Global Octave = you can set global octave
Root = root note
Scale = scale filter
Row B
if you choose seq mode 3 to 7,
sequencer becomes 8 x 2(row A and row B).
In this situation, row A controls midi note and row B controls value of assigned parameter.
You can assign velo, gate, modwheel, pitchbend, aftertouch, cc, map to row B.
Smth = smoothing value changes
Velocity, Duration, Swing
Vel = velocity
Dur = gate time
SWG = swing amount
This patch is part of SEQ16.