version 3 of TriGator
free update for TriGator user
v2 > v3
added step volume control
in this version, you can select filter type per track
added filter chain mode
changed interface
each filter is triggered by grid sequencer
Demo Track
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]
Filter Track Control
From the right:
track number
Led = when the filter is triggered, this led will be lit up
On/Off Switch = filter track on/off
MenuBox = filter type(lp, bp, hp)
LFO = amount of lfo > cutoff(+/- 100%)
CF = cutoff frequency
Reso = resonance
Env = amount of filter envelope > cf
Modulation Knob
You can reset its value by clicking triangle.
FX, Pan, Vol
Drive = drive level
Phsr = phaser send level
Delay = delay send level
Filter Chain
There are 3 types of filter chain.
1) three filters are routed in parallel
2) filter3 are routed sum of filter1 and filter2
3) three filters are routed in series
Envelope and LFO
Both amp/filter envelopes are triggered by grid sequencer.
A = attack time
D = decay time
R = release time
MenuBox = waveform
“Sync” = bpm sync switch
Rate = lfo speed
Effect Setting
“Sync” = tempo sync switch for delay time
FB = feedback level
Rate = phasing speed
FB = feedback level
gate of each filter input will be controlled by each track of grid sequencer.
In this case:
step1 : only gate of filter1 will be open
step2 : gates of filter1 and filter3 will be open
step3 : no filter will be triggered
step4 : all filters will be triggered
R = randomize grid state
C = clear grid state
A = turn all grid states on
Grid Seq Control
On/Off = grid seq on/off
“> < >< R” = sequencer running directions
Spd = running speed
Size = step size
Step Volume
You can set volume of each step by these sliders.
Slider has three shapes(flat, up, down)
You can make 8 snapshots.
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