Grid and Slice2
version 2 of Grid and Slice
free update for GridSliceStep owner
a pattern made in grid section will be sliced/rearranged in slicer section
Grid Section
You can make grid pattern in this part.
Track Setting
You can control output midi note, velocity, mute, grid shift, grid randomize/clear of each track.
In this case, track1 outputs midi note “C1”, track2 outputs midi note “C#1” and so on…
From the Left:
Menu Box = midi note
Number Box = velocity
“M” = mute switch
“< >” = shifting grid pattern
“R C” = randomize/clear grid track
You can make 9 grid patterns.
Copy & Paste
First choose pattern number you want to copy from,
then choose pattern number you want to paste to,
and click “Push” button.
Pattern Chainner
You can make pattern chain here.
chain pattern
“R C” = randomize/clear chain pattern
You can control sequencer of pattern chainner here.
Power Switch = chainner on/off
“> < >< R” = direction of chainner seq
Menu Box = speed of chainner seq
Menu Box2 = size of chainner seq
Slicer Section
In this section, you can control slicer part.
Main Window
You can rearrange sliced grid status here.
Slicer Control
On/Off Switch = if you turn off this switch, slicer part is bypassed.
“> < >< R” = direction of slicer seq
Slice Size = number of slice size
Step Size = step size of slicer seq
You can make 9 patterns.
Copy/Paste = please refer to description of grid section
Pattern Chainner
plsease refer to description of grid section
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