version 2 of PolySeq Chance
free update for PolySeq user
chance base sequencer
midi notes keep being generated based on your setting
seq1 is master track, seq 2 3 4 are slave track
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&inverse=false&auto_play=false&show_user=true” width=”100%” height=”20″ iframe=”true” /]
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&inverse=false&auto_play=false&show_user=true” width=”100%” height=”20″ iframe=”true” /]
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&inverse=false&auto_play=false&show_user=true” width=”100%” height=”20″ iframe=”true” /]
Seq Track1
sequence made in this track goes to main midi out and seq track 2, 3, 4.
Note Control
In this section, you can set triggered chance of each midi note.
“R C” = randomize/clear chance table
In this case, only note “C” has a chance triggered.
In this case, note “E” , “G”, “A” has a chance triggered.
And note “E” and “G” has higher chance than note “A”.
highest chance : note “B”
lowest chance : note “C”
Octave Control
chance table for octave
Velocity Control
You can set range of velocity value here.
In this case, velocity value will be generated between 20 and 112.
Gate Control
same as velocity control
actual gate time = gate value(0 to 100%) * base gate time
Menu Box = base gate time
Prob Control
output probability of generated note(0 to 100%)
Seq1 Track Settings
Power Switch = track on/off
Interval = interval of generating midi note(in this case, every 16th note, midi note will be generated)
Root = root note
Scale = scale filter
Swing = swing amount
“-2, -1 ,0, +1, +2” = global octave
“0 1 2 3 4” = sending channel
Sending Note Outputs to Other Midi Track
You can send note output from each seq track to other midi track.
1) making new midi track
2) insert receiver patch like picture below
3) set receiving channel
You have to set same between send/receive channel.
Seq track 2, 3, 4 are slave.
These tracks make midi sequence based outputs from seq1.
Note Control
In this section, you can make chance table for slave notes.
Left side = note shift(semitone)
Direction = shift direction
base note(from seq1) = “C4”, shift note = 4, direction = +
slave note become “E4”
base note(from seq1) = “A4”, shift note = 7, direction = –
slave note become “D2”
Timing Shift
shift output timing(0 to 100%)
set interval of seq1 is “4n”, set shift values like picture above
Result of midi outputs become like picture below.
Other settings
Power Switch = on/off switch for seq track
Midi Filter = applying midi or not (midi filter = scale setting of seq track1)
Octave = global octave of slave seq track
“0 1 2 3 4” = sending channel for receiver
Single Track Version
Single track version of PolySeq2 Chance is included.
It’s better to try this one first.
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