additional patch for RPE user
in RPE3x, each track is more independent than RPE3.
each track has grid track x1, step slider track x2, lfo x1
some new features(grid state template, slider value template, polyrhythmic mode, running direction ><2)
RPE3 v1.5
RPE3 v1.5
added polyrhythmic mode
modified LFO(added phase and noise control)
added grid template menu
added step slider template menu
now each track has 2 step slider track(one for velocity, one for assignable)
changed interface design
Track Overview
Track Components
Grid Track(x1) = controlling midi note triger
Step Slider Track(x2) = controlling value of each step(one for velocity, one for assignable)
LFO(x1) = modulating one parameter
Grid Track
If grid state is on, that step trigger midi note.
Grid Track Control
Template = template patter for grid state
“R C” = randomize/clear step state
Arrows = shifting step state
Step Slider Track
You can set value of each step.
There is a “V A” tab right edge of step slider track.
If clicking “V”, step slider tack for velocity is appeared.
If clicking “A”, step slider tack for assignable parameter is appeared.
Step Slider Track Control
Temp = template patter for slider values
SetAll = set all slider values at once
“R C” = randomize/clear slider values
Range = randomize range(0 to 100%)
Assign = parameter assign
Assignable Parameters
Gate = controlling gate time of each step
Shift = controlling timing shift of each step
Swing = controlling swing amount of each step
Prob = controlling trigger probability of each step
LFO Unit
On/Off Switch = lfo unit on/off
MenuBox = lfo waveform(sine, up, down, square, triangle, random)
Rate = lfo speed
“S” = lfo speed sync switch
Target = target parameter(velo, gate, prob, shift, swing)
Depth = modulation depth(-100 to 100%)
Track Sequencer Control
Power Button = sequencer on/off
MenuBox1 = running directions
“N P” = clock mode(normal/polyrhythmic)
MenuBox2 = sequencer speed
Strt = start point
Size = step size
Note = output midi note of each track
You can make 8 snapshots.
RPE3 v1.5
New Features:
expanded LFO function(phase, noise)
added grid template menu
added step slider template menu
added extra step slider(now there are 2 step slider unit per track)
added polyrhythmic mode
added “><2” to sequencer running menu
Grid Part
Power Switch = track on/off
MenuBox1 = output midi note
MenuBox2 = running directions
MenuBox3 = step size(1 to 32)
MenuBox4 = speed
“P” = turning on this, clock mode becomes polyrhythmic mode
MenuBox5 = grid template menu
“< >” = shifting grid state position
“R C” = randomize/clear grid state
Step Slider Part
Each track has 2 step slider units, one is fixed to controlling velocity value, another one is assignable.
Step Slider Control
“Trk1 to Trk8” Tab = changing step slider display
“V A” = changing velocity slider and assignable slider
Template = template pattern for slider values
SetAll = set all slider values at once
“R C” = randomize/clear slider values
Rnd Range = randomize range
“Up Down” = shifting slider values up/down
each track has one LFO unit
you can modulate parameter values
LFO Setting
On/Off = lfo unit on/off
Target = target parameter(velo, gate, shift, prob, swing)
Depth = modulation depth
Rate Knob = controls lfo speed
Sync = sync switch for lfo rate
“MenuBox” = lfo waveform(sine, up, down, square, triangle, random)
Phase = controls lfo phase
Noise = controls noise mixing
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